33 studententeams uit 33 landen strijden om beste duurzaamheidsidee tijdens de Enactus World Cup

Tijdens de Enactus World Cup strijden gekwalificeerde Nationale Kampioensteams uit 33 landen, die zich gekwalificeerd hebben uit een pool van 42.000 studenten, met elkaar voor de Wereldtitel. Om te winnen presenteert elk team projecten die op dit moment een impact maken op de Sustainable Development Goals in hun gemeenschap. Dit zijn projecten met de potentie […] ... lees meer

Utrechtse studenten scoren met project voor sociaal en duurzaam ondernemen

Op vrijdag 3 juni 2016 won studentenorganisatie Enactus Utrecht voor de vierde keer op rij de Enactus National Competition.Dit betekent dat deze organisatie met (voornamelijk) studenten van de Universiteit Utrecht in september namens Nederland mag deelnemen aan de Enactus World Cup in Toronto. SOCIAAL ONDERNEMERSCHAP Enactus Utrecht is een studentenorganisatie die zich richt op sociaal ondernemerschap. […] ... lees meer

Conferentie bepleit stop op werving kinderen voor arbeid

Onmiddellijke maatregelen zijn vereist om de werving van nieuwe kindarbeiders te stoppen. Kinderen moeten niet aan het werk zijn, maar horen op school. Dat zijn de belangrijkste conclusies van de internationale kinderarbeidconferentie Combating Child Labour die van 25 tot en met 27 februari 2002 in het Kurhaus in Scheveningen is gehouden. Wereldwijd werken 250 miljoen kinderen onder vaak erbarmelijke omstandigheden. ... lees meer

IRRC Finds Companies Pay High Proportion of Non-Audit Related Fees to Auditors

The Investor Responsibility Research Center (IRRC) has released its extensive review and analysis of the fees public companies pay to their auditors, which were broken out into fees for audit and non-audit services for the first time last year under new SEC regulations. The Audit/Non-Audit Fee Landscape: Analysis and Benchmarks covers more than 1,200 companies in the S&P 500, S&P MidCap, and S&P SmallCap indexes. ... lees meer

UN Global Compact calls on companies to set their science-based targets with a new level of ambition

Senior executives of business and finance, civil society, the United Nations and Government met at the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP 24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) this week to identify key steps to accelerate low-carbon and resilient development. The High-Level Meeting of Caring for Climate was convened by the UN […] ... lees meer

GRI effort to Measure Social, Environmental and Economic Performance of Companies Receives $3 Million Grant From United Nations Foundation

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has received a grant totaling $3 million over two years from the United Nations Foundation (UNF) to support the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an international effort designed to develop guidelines for measuring the social, environmental and economic performance of multi-national companies. The grant will be administered by UNEP through its Technology, Industry, and Economics Division based in Paris, France. ... lees meer

The State of Green Business, 2018

“Two degrees and the SDGs.” That’s the new sustainable business mantra. It rhymes. You can almost dance to it. The following is adapted from State of Green Business 2018, published today by GreenBiz in partnership with Trucost. The double-barrel impact of the Paris climate agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, both enacted in 2015, […] ... lees meer

Green COVID-19 recovery packages will boost economic growth and stop climate change

An analysis of possible COVID-19 economic recovery packages shows the potential for strong alignment between the economy and the environment. The direction of these measures over the next six months will largely determine whether the worst impacts of global warming can be avoided, and research published today reveals that climate-friendly policies can deliver a better result […] ... lees meer

Global investors turn up heat on fast food companies to tackle climate and water risks

Global investors representing more than USD $6.5 trillion today called on six of the largest companies in the USD $570 billion global fast-food sector to act urgently on the climate and water risks in their supply chains. The investors have sent letters to Domino’s Pizza, McDonald’s, Restaurant Brands International (owners of Burger King), Chipotle Mexican Grill, Wendy’s Co. and Yum! […] ... lees meer

Lessons in corporate social responsibility discussed in Seattle

Representatives from some of the largest multinational corporations in the world gather this week in Seattle to discuss issues such as globalization, environmental policy and labor practices. But this won’t be another WTO, the infamous 1999 world trade conference that sparked days of violent protests. At the Business for Social Responsibility conference, Microsoft, Ford, Weyerhaeuser and Starbucks will be talking about how they can be better corporate citizens. ... lees meer