Largest mining companies in danger of perceived ‘SDG-washing’ over selective reporting

Many of the world’s largest mining companies risk the perception that they are ‘SDG-washing’ through selective reporting of their impacts on these universal goals. Companies often highlight in their Sustainability Reports the positive contributions they make to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, while generally omitting any mention of negative impacts that would impede achievement of […] ... lees meer

Captain Fanplastic komt naar Nederland

De sprintdagen van de SDG-Challenge zijn in volle gang. Deze challenge inspireert en mobiliseert studenten en organisaties om samen te werken aan de Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) van de Verenigde Naties. Naast de focus op studenten, lanceert Soapbox een nieuw project om kinderen – vanaf de basisschool – kennis te laten maken met de SDGs: Captain Fanplastic, een (in Zuid-Afrika […] ... lees meer

100 ondernemers willen meer urgentie rondom SDG aanpak

Tijdens een praktische workshop onder leiding van plaatsvervangend kroonlid SER Steven van Eijck in de Malietoren werden zo’n 100 ondernemers bijgepraat over hoe winst maken, voorkomen van negatieve MVO effecten en realiseren van positieve impact op de  SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) hand in hand kunnen gaan. Aanleiding was het SER advies ‘Kansen pakken en risico’s […] ... lees meer

Ondernemers: ‘Meer urgentie nodig voor behalen SDG’s

‘Er is meer urgentie nodig in Nederland als het gaat om het halen van de Sustainable Development Goals. Het midden- en kleinbedrijf kan meer hulp gebruiken en er is meer regie vereist van de overheid.’ Dat was de conclusie van een bijeenkomst met ondernemers in de Malietoren onder leiding van plaatsvervangend SER-kroonlid Steven van Eijck. […] ... lees meer

Globally Great and the Dutch National Sustainability Institute join forces to raise global awareness on sustainability

Globally Great, the National Sustainability Institute and the Global Sustainable Enterprise (GSE) System joined forces this week to raise global awareness of humanity on sustainability worldwide. The companies share a joint ambition to create a bridge between both the private and public sector to help to implement the 17 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The […] ... lees meer

Duurzaamheidsoffensief Tilburg University van start

Het is duurzaamheid wat de klok slaat aan Tilburg University. Gisterenochtend werd in CUBE de Sustainability Factory gelanceerd. Deze ‘duurzaamheidsfabriek’ gaat losse inspanningen van studenten en medewerkers om Tilburg University duurzamer te maken coördineren. Bovendien ondertekende Collegevoorzitter Koen Becking de Sustainable Development Goals. Met de lancering van de Sustainability Factory sluit Tilburg University zich aan bij […] ... lees meer

Philips marks new milestones to improve people’s health across the globe at WEF 2020

Royal Philips, a global leader in health technology, today announced new milestones in its aim to make the world healthier and more sustainable through innovation. In collaboration with its partners, Philips aims to address pressing societal issues with a focus on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals 3, 12 and 13 aimed at improving access […] ... lees meer

World Benchmarking Alliance names the most influential 2000 companies for a sustainable future

The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) has today revealed the SDG2000, a list of the companies that have the most influence over our ability to move to a more sustainable future. The list – comprised of companies which collectively make up half of the entire global economy and are responsible for $43trillion in revenue – is […] ... lees meer

Dutch Sustainability Group to help UAE achieve its Sustainability Goals

The newly formed Dutch Sustainability Group (DSG) signed a Memorandum of Understanding Tuesday to jointly help the UAE achieve its Sustainable Development Goals. The Memorandum was signed at the backdrop of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW) in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Thani Ahmed Al Zeyoudi the UAE’s Minister of Climate Change and […] ... lees meer

6 Belgische ondernemingsprojecten in ontwikkelingslanden krijgen steun van Business Partnership Facility ‘Enterprises for SDGs’

Zes ondernemingsprojecten in ontwikkelingslanden die bijdragen tot de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen werden geselecteerd voor het steunprogramma Business Partnership Facility van de Belgische Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en de Koning Boudewijnstichting. In totaal is in deze selectieronde 1 miljoen euro aan steun toegekend.  Met het steunprogramma Business Partnership Facility ‘Enterprises for SDGs’ worden innovatieve ondernemingsprojecten gesteund die inzetten op minstens […] ... lees meer

European Economic and Social Committe proposes measures to boost private sector contribution to the SDGs

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires more than political commitment, says the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). Increased investment, especially by the private sector, is needed to address current economic, social and environmental challenges. The Committee therefore advises the EU and its Member States to adjust their investment and tax policies to enhance […] ... lees meer