Webinar on VSLA as intervention to tackle child labour and raise family income


15:00 - 16:30


Online webinar
Webinar on VSLA as intervention to tackle child labour and raise family income

Are you working for a company in the agri-business sector and looking for measures to address child labour in your supply chain? Or do you work for an NGO on issues such as living income and the elimination of child labour? Then sign up for our online webinar on Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA’s). This webinar is organised by Fonds Bestrijding Kinderarbeid | Fund against Child Labour (FBK).

To register click on https://bit.ly/3FK2bSV

A number of our FBK-projects in the agricultural sector are implementing VSLA’s as a strategy to combat child labour. Participation in a VSLA provides an opportunity for farm families to build up savings and access loans in a low-threshold way. These financial means can be used to set up or expand small businesses, to invest in their farms or pay for seasonal labour or to pay for school fees and uniforms.

In this webinar, we will explore the following questions in more detail:

  • How are VSLA’s set up (method)?
  • How can VSLA’s be successfully implemented (criteria)?
  • How can VSLA’s at the same time address financial strengthening, women empowerment and awareness raising about child labour?
  • What is the effect of VSLA’s on decreasing child labour (impact)?

During this webinar our FBK-partners ETG/Beyond Beans and Care Nederland will share their experiences with VSLA’s and are happy to answer all your questions.

For more background information on interventions to tackle child labour, please also check our latest FBK-report Insights into Business-oriented Interventions addressing Child Labour in Global Supply Chains

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