Leading group of corporations and investors commit to report climate change in mainstream corporate reports as a matter of fiduciary duty.

View the Statement on fiduciary duty and climate change disclosure.

As the effects of climate change on economic activity become more significant, there is increasing demand from investors, trustees and other fiduciaries for consistent, comparable, actionable information in company mainstream (i.e. annual) reports. This presents a growing challenge to the capacity of financial markets to allocate capital as efficiently as possible.

Recognizing this challenge, today, a statement by a leading group of global corporations and investors has been released, committing themselves to report and make use of climate change information on a common basis in mainstream corporate reports. The signatories take this step primarily out of a sense of fiduciary responsibility, whether or not required by current regulation. This represents a game-changing collective commitment and a practical step capable of enabling positive change in economic and financial market activity at scale.

The statement was convened by CDSB, with the support of the UNEP Finance Initiative.

“Acting now on climate change is a must for all actors in society. Transparently reporting on climate-related information and finding new ideas for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, makes clear business sense” 

Karl-Johan Persson, CEO, H&M

The Climate Change Reporting Framework which is ready for wider application by companies and investors, has an important role to play in broadening the United Nation’s strategy on climate change beyond the intergovernmental negotiating process.
