Transport accounts for 11% of the overall carbon footprint of HEINEKEN and, as a key pillar of the Brewing a Better World strategy, the company is committed to investing in innovative and sustainable solutions for its logistics. Together with a broad coalition of consumer goods companies, vehicle manufacturers, technology providers and truck operators, HEINEKEN announced its support in Europe’s sustainable transport ambitions and working for a cleaner, greener freight transport system, with hydrogen trucks as an important part of that future.

In a coalition statement, released at an event as part of the #EuHydrogenWeek, and in the presence of EU Transport Commissioner Adina-Ioana Vălean, the 62 signatories pledged to investing in the development, production and deployment of FCH trucks and related infrastructure. Together with our partners we will do this through cross-industry collaboration, supporting new products and business models and seeking to use FCH trucks for our logistics in the future. The coalition statement has been published here and here in the context of the H2Haul efforts to deploy hydrogen trucks (and as it is a cooperative effort of both the FCH JU and Hydrogen Europe).

The initiative to the development and take up of hydrogen trucks is part HEINEKEN’s broader strategy to further green its logistics. Other areas the company is working on include optimizing routes, supporting our suppliers to adopt low carbon technologies, shifting to more fuel-efficient transports and investing in other innovative solutions such as electric vehicles for last mile logistics.