UNI and ETNO strongly believe that today’s world demands close attention to business principles and ethics, employee relations, human rights, environmental management, community investment and general working conditions, both within a company and throughout its supply chain.
The social partners, ETNO and UNI, jointly commit to:
– promote corporate social responsibility throughout daily business activities among ETNO
member companies and UNI- Europa Telecom affiliates, with a special focus on new EU
member states;
– raise awareness about CSR in the European telecom sector through dialogue, exchange of
information, expertise, best practices and appropriate communication;
– inform on and further develop social dialogue between employers and employees and their trade unions at the European, national and company level, on CSR-related issues;
– disseminate existing good practices and initiatives among ETNO member companies and UNIEuropa telecom affiliates. Through the ETNO Sustainability Charter, which counts 21 signatories, telecoms operators are already committed to high standards of environmental protection and sustainable development and to regularly monitor progress. The CSR joint statement will complement the Sustainability Charter.