Since 2002, CDP has sent an annual request for information to over 2400 companies globally to elicit detailed information on the risks and opportunities posed to listed companies by climate change.

The CDP questionnaire requests disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions from all recipients. The feedback provides investors with valuable insight and information into companies’ business strategies regarding climate change.

By encouraging companies to measure and disclose their emissions, it provides a means by which companies can then manage and reduce their emissions.

CDP’s work in the Netherlands will be co-funded by VROM and ABP Investments.

Paul Dickinson, co-Founder and CEO CDP:

“This is an exciting development for CDP to work for the first time with the 50 largest Dutch listed companies. CDP is delighted to be supported by VROM and ABP who are funding our work here to engage with the largest Dutch corporations in requesting key information on climate data.”

“As we move into a carbon constrained world, it is vital for companies to measure and disclose their emissions, so they are then in a position to manage them. Launching CDP in the Netherlands will encourage Dutch companies to engage in the measurement and disclosure of their greenhouse gas emissions, which is a key step towards carbon management. It will also provide valuable new information to investment institutions on how Dutch companies are managing climate issues.”

Roderick Munsters, Chief Investment Officer, ABP

‘It is essential for investors to understand the risks and opportunities facing companies as a result of climate change. We cannot do this without good information from companies themselves. CDP is central to this, and ABP strongly encourages Dutch companies to take part.”

The CDP expansion into the Netherlands is also supported by ABN AMRO and Robeco.

Didier Duret, Chief Investment Officer, Global Private Clients ABN AMRO:

“Traditionally the climate was an external factor that made no part of economic models. Now as the climate changes, we have to involve new risks. At the same time climate change creates new waves of innovation, R&D, capital expenditure and new forms of insurance.

As of now, the climate makes part of the world economy, offering threats as well as opportunities.”

Companies who will be included in the sample include TNT, ING Group, KPN, Arcelor Mittal and Heineken.

The responses will be analyzed and a Dutch report, based on the Dutch responses will be produced in 2008.

Today CDP CEO Paul Dickinson will also present the findings of the CDP5 2007 flagship global report, based on the reports to CDP from the FT500 sample of the largest listed companies globally. Ten Dutch companies feature in the report, including Phillips and Royal Dutch Shell.

FT500 Report Findings: The FT500 report is based on responses provided by corporations within the Financial Times sample of the 500 largest listed companies globally. The report, written by Innovest, an internationally recognized investment research and advisory firm concludes that the world’s corporate giants have made “significant progress in understanding and disclosing their positions relative to the risks and opportunities associated with climate change.” In particular, the report highlights a narrowing gap between climate awareness and action among the FT500.

Ã?? 77% of corporations within the sample responded to the CDP questionnaire.

Ã?? 80% of respondents see climate change as presenting risks and opportunities to their business.

Ã?? 76% of responding companies reported implementing a GHG emissions reduction initiative compared to 48% in last year’s CDP4 report. This trend suggests that a majority of firms recognize the financial and reputational benefits of improved carbon performance.

The report also features the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI), a prestigious honour roll for global corporations addressing the challenges of climate change. The CDLI is comprised of 68 FT500 companies, including ABN AMRO and ING Group that show distinction in their responses to the CDP survey based on their reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and assessment of climate change strategies. Climate Disclosure Leadership Index members are distinguished by the disclosure of their awareness of the risks and opportunities of climate change, as well as the quality and effectiveness of programs put in place to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions.