The participants have been Credit Agricole Cheuvreux, Dexia Asset Management, Ethix SRI Advisors, GES Investment Services, Hermes, imug/EIRIS, KLD Research & Analytics, RiskMetrics Group, Sarasin, Social Investment Forum Japan, Societe Generale, Sustainalytics and Vigeo.

SD-KPIs have been called a “minimum reporting standard” for sustainability information in annual reports/management commentaries according to the EU accounting law by the German Federal Environment Ministry.

For leading European pensions funds with Euro 460 billion of assets under management long-term investments based on the SD-KPI concept offer high outperformance potential in comparison to broader sustainable research approaches.

SD-M consults asset owners and asset managers regarding the integration of SD-KPIs in mandates and investment products under the trademarks SD-KPInvest and SD-KPIndex.