Diverse range of organisations show their support for GRI

Oxfam International recently demonstrated its support for GRI’s mission by registering as an Organisational Stakeholder (OS). Over the last month GRI has also gained the support of Nike and Shell International. GRI expresses its thanks to Shell for voluntarily increasing its fee for this year when it registered in December. Acting as a counterweight to these global giants, Bangladesh’s Chemist Laboratories also registered this month. The OS program is designed to help all organisations, whether large or small, non-profit or corporate, support GRI’s mission in a tangible way. OS are an official part of GRI’s governance structure and can vote for Stakeholder Council members, and receive discounts on GRI products, services and events in return for their support and a low annual fee. Consider showing your support today!

Are you a GRI whiz? Take the quiz!

In order to get a better understanding of what our network knows about us, GRI has constructed an on-line quiz. Just 10 quick questions in an easy-to-use format make the quiz fun and informative.

Background study on sustainability reporting by Public Agencies released

In support of the Public Agency Sector Supplement currently under development, GRI has released a background study on key reporting trends in the public sector.

Russian translation of the Guidelines now available

GRI is pleased to announce the launch of the Guidelines in Russian.

GRI gains new reporters – of Olympic proportions!

The Organising Committee for the XX Winter Olympic Games (TOROC) in Torino, Italy, has issued an environmental report based on the GRI Guidelines.

GRI Brings Sustainability Reporting to Davos

This week GRI Chief Executive Ernst Ligteringen will meet with leaders from business, labour, government and civil society at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting.

Report from the North American Regional Roundtable

The sub-zero temperatures and falling snow did not keep 70 dedicated individuals away from the North American Regional Roundtable which was held in New York on the 15th and 16th of January

Best reporters are awarded for 2003 sustainability reports

The first set of awards for the year 2003 were issued in December.

Get involved with the boundaries project

In recent years, reporting organisations have begun to experiment with expanding their reporting boundaries to better reflect the unique “sustainability footprint” of their organisation and its activities.